“It is heartbreaking to think that by the time my children are in their 20s,
elephants, rhinos and tigers might well be extinct in the wild.”
Prince William

There are a number of ways to get active.

Get Active: Donate – Remember Giving is Caring!

Active for Animals Inc. is a nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)3.

Don’t forget to leave your mailing address, we need to post to you your sticker or magnet!

For every US$10 donation receive this one of a kind Extinction Is Forever bumper sticker (size: 6.46″ x 3.75″).

For every US$20 donation receive this Save the Rhino magnet.

By making a donation you are now a member of the growing group of world citizens who are committed to fighting to protect wildlife, you are helping ensure that they survive in the wild. Thank you! Welcome to the club!

Get Active: Be Curious

Probably the easiest thing to do to get Active for Animals is to be curious and key to this is to not make assumptions. For example, there was a slow start in tackling the modern day demand for rhino horn because too many people were focusing on China and traditional medicine, when the key group driving the demand were based in Vietnam and were using rhino horn for status enhancing purposes. This happened because it was assumed that the reasons for the modern-day demand for rhino horn were the same the historic reasons for demand.

Your first step may be to commit to setting aside 30 minutes a week to read news stories about wildlife conservation and the wildlife trade; it would be great to take a look at news stories in publications you don’t normally read. If you are not sure where to start, check out Active for Animals social media, we regularly post the interesting articles we see.

Get Active: Speak Out & Write

Never underestimate the benefit of writing a letter or an email to someone who has the power to do something about your concerns. An email is great, but sometimes when you really want your communication to be noticed it is best to write a letter, people get so few letters via ‘snail mail’ these days! This is particularly helpful when you don’t have the direct email address of the person you want to contact.

If you are not sure who to write or what to write, check out our One Small Step campaign. In the weeks and months ahead we will add to this page ideas for you to get active that may take you a couple of hours to do. If you commit to doing one of these actions each month that would be fantastic as you get Active for Animals.

Encourage others to write and maybe write as a group. We would love to hear from you about who you have chosen to write to and the responses you have received.

Get Active: Campaign

Help Active for Animals campaign and get the message out.

Different types of people respond to different messages and, as you know we want more people to be Active for Animals. We have put a few posters together that we would love you to download and share on  your social media. More importantly, we hope they inspire you to create your own. At Active for Animals we are just ordinary people who decided to get in to action, we aren’t particularly creative, we just wanted to give some campaign messages a go to see if they worked for some people. We encourage you to do the same. We would love to see your ideas.

Get Active: Shop

Coming soon, t-shirts, caps and more, with profits going towards our campaigns.

Wear clothes that put your heart on its sleeves with this statement-making, earth-friendly fashion sportswear.  You will be a big hit among the people you care about.  And raise some good money for good causes.  A portion of the net sales will go to Active for Animals.

All the products we use to raise funds are made from natural fibers, including hemp, organic cotton and bamboo.