“Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change”
Milton Friedman
Sometimes we can feel a little overwhelmed by the complexity of the issues we see facing the natural world. The only decision we need to make is not to leave it to someone else to fix. Active For Animals’ mission is to support people of all generations, skills and experiences to take visible action for wildlife. In the coming weeks, months and years let’s build an active network of caring citizens. Together we can find ways to help each other become visibly and constantly active to make a difference for wildlife.
It doesn’t matter what you call yourself, activist or simply a citizen who cares what is happening for wildlife. At this critical point in time, when we are being asked to make the next decade matter for wildlife and the natural world, it is about what you choose to do.
Generations of people have watched in wonder the wildlife documentaries of Sir David Attenborough, listened in awe to the empathy and tenacity of Dame Jane Goodall and been inspired by the Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, whose sheer determination has created a global movement for change.

Sir David Attenborough

Dame Jane Goodall

Greta Thunberg
Now we must ask ours, what can we do to help their work and be a visible force for change in the ‘real’ world – beyond social media?
To drive successful change, it is best to start small and then commit to take small, continuous steps in the weeks, months and years ahead. Doing it this way will help us all stay the course. Deciding today to set aside 3 hours in every month to do something for wildlife (beyond social media) is the way to go. Your children and grandchildren will be encouraged (and relieved) that you are getting Active for Animals.
We invite you to share in our projects, as collaboration is key to success in driving change. As we highlight projects and ideas for actions that can be taken, even in the smallest of time windows you may have, we hope that you will join us.
In 2019, the USA and the world commemorated 50 years since landing on the moon. In 50 years from now, in 2070, what will be remembered with pride about this point in history? Will we accept the challenge of rehabilitating our home planet “as one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.” Each journey starts with a single step and to help you take that first step we have created a campaign called One Small Step
Find out more about the One small Step Campaign and join the Active for Animals journey.